
Fight Temptation in Lent

Do you want to be spiritually stronger, have more resilience, perseverance and the self-defence needed against spiritual attack? Well, we are entering the perfect season to grow in these attributes. It’s called Lent and it’s the time of preparation before Easter. On the first Sunday, we hear about Jesus going into the wilderness. There he meets satan, the devil who tests him. But Jesus shuts him down and beats him off. Traditionally during Lent we give up certain foods, we fast from them, meaning we deny ourselves, weaken our bodies. It sounds backwards but when we weaken our bodies we can actually strengthen our souls. Today we wanna start your Lenten journey. Yes talk about fasting, but more importantly to suggest how to be strengthened by the powerful flow of the Holy Spirit and the best way to beat down satan when he tries to bring you down.


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