
Can Christians have any fun?

People often ask: Why do Christians follow someone who puts so many rules and restrictions on your life, a God who wants to get in the way of you having fun and a good time? If only they knew. We definitely don’t follow someone like that. God isn’t controlling and he certainly doesn’t want us to live boring, dull lives. In fact, since we’ve started to follow Jesus more closely, we’ve never been happier and our lives are more fun than ever. Jesus wants you to have an awesome life full of fun and laughter. He definitely wants you to enjoy yourself. He loves to see a smile on your face. Pope Francis says we should smile more as Christians “If your face looks like you’ve been to a funeral,” he says “how can people believe that you are redeemed?” Knowing God gives us so much to be joyful about. We are loved, chosen and invited by God to live our lives to the full, following him.


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